Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I'm working on some more "important" blogs (Big week with Grammy and big weekend with WGs), but since my internet is down at home (what else is new), here is a quick Max fix below.

Lately, getting ready in the mornings has been close to impossible. I've set up a complete "decoy" bathroom within my bathroom so Max thinks he is going through all my stuff and getting into trouble when really he is just pulling out cotton balls and nail files from plastic drawers. I'm a genius, I know.

But, while I'm in the shower I can't seem to create a good enough diversion. He knows I'm there and watches me from the ledge while banging his hands for attention. I tried giving him toys to play with, but he just throws them in the shower - that lasts about four seconds. Literally. So, this morning, once he had gotten himself soaking wet by leaning in, slipped and fell three times and cried, I decided to just bring him in with me and his "toys"...he was much happier.

p.s. I think he looks so much taller lately, and you can really see it here with those long legs. He obviously got this from his mother.

p.p.s In looking at this picture I see what Susan meant this weekend when she declared my shower "way overcrowded". Nonetheless, Sue, I think Lincoln's shampoo was pretty clearly marked "ANIMAL PHARMACEUTICAL", if you'd only read it before using...I haven't laughed that hard in months.

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