Friday, August 14, 2009


Max has finally taken the step into the 'big boy' world of sleep (KNOCK ON WOOD). All week, he has done eight hour shifts either from 8-4 or 9-5, and last night I even stretched him out 8-5:30. WOOhooooo. This is such a big step. Somehow I feel more tired though, not quite sure how that's possible - maybe because I often don't fall asleep after the 4/5 wake-up call (well, I bring him into bed where he proceeds to kick and punch me while he sleeps).

Next week we're off to vacation where Max will be sleeping in a crib all week which means when we return its the big SWITCH from our room in the bassinet to the crib (yes, I still use the bassinet....but he LIKES it and its easier for me at 4 a.m.).

He is taking better naps too - goes in his crib, swing, bassinet, etc. Thanks to Maria for making that happen - I think its the key to his night time sleep.
A picture of little sleeping beauty below...

Maria also took some pretty adorable photos of Max and Luca recently.

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